Wrap up the year organized and ready for tax season

Wrap up the year organized and ready for tax season

It is easy for a work or home office to get out of control, since that’s where you probably have the most paperwork, supplies and other business related items. If you are like most people, you are working on multiple projects at one time. Getting organized so that you...
Achieve Closet Envy

Achieve Closet Envy

More about Organizing Your Closet Organizing closets is one of the things I do most, so I’m often talking about it. This is my second blog about it. It’s so easy for a closet to get out of order, especially if you keep a busy schedule and you’re a shopper. Now that...
Organizing the Road Ahead

Organizing the Road Ahead

Clients, at times, want me to take over organizing their belongings. Yet what I do for you, is different than what I would do for me. I need to listen to you…what are your priorities? What must you keep? What do you WANT to keep? What can you live without? These...

Top Tips for Merging Two Homes Into One

So you’re moving in together? Maybe you’re getting married. Or not. Regardless, moving from one place to another is stressful enough, but moving from two places into one… well that’s another story. Here are some tips for making life easier on both of you as you make...
How to Organize Your Closet

How to Organize Your Closet

1) FADS DO NOT STICK, CLASSIC PIECES DO! Keep fun and trendy pieces to a minimum.  Purchase complimentary clothing to mix and match, creating a well styled wardrobe.  That also goes for accessories and handbags. 2) KEEP ONLY THE CLOTHES YOU FIT IN AND MAKE YOU FEEL...